Monday, February 10, 2014


I have decided to post quotes, and songs from time to time that inspire me. Mostly, they will be of crooners, and actors/actresses of the time. That's my time period. They inspire me to be everything and anything I want to be, and they, mostly Frank, but all of them, inspired the name and logo of our company. I may not always post them here, so follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and, coming soon, we will be on Pinterest! More inspiration headed your way.

Artifact - 24 Hour Challenge Video

This video was created as part of a 24 Hour film challenge. The rules were that you could use a maximum of 5 people as cast and crew, and the finished product could only be a maximum of 3 minutes long.  The theme was Eureka, we had to use the line of dialogue, "what are the odds of...." and we had to use a lightbulb as a prop. I hope you enjoy it!